AAEH Leadership Academy on Ending Homelessness

This isn't another conference. This is your opportunity to become a better-equipped leader for both your organisation and the sector.

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The inaugural AAEH Leadership Academy on Ending Homelessness, led by Iain de Jong, will give you the skills and knowledge to better understand your individual leadership style. You'll also explore principles, practices, and leadership models to guide your organisation and the wider sector.

  • When: 13th-16th November 2023
  • Where: Rydges Adelaide, South Australia
  • Cost: $1,200 Cost includes: 3-day intensive program (includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea) and official academy dinner

About the Leadership Academy

Purpose: To better equip individuals and organisations as leaders towards the vision of ending homelessness in Australia.

What will I get out of it?

Individuals participating in this program will:

  • Better understand their leadership style by looking at their strengths and areas for personal and professional development.
  • Develop their potential, and that of their organisation as a vision leader in ending homelessness.
  • Explore principles, practices, and leadership models to improve their leadership approach.
  • Explore new models and tools for creating positive relationships with others.
  • Be part of a supportive learning community.
  • Create new networks and collaborations across Australia.

Who can be part of the Academy?

The Leadership Academy is intended for anyone that plays a role in leading their organisation’s or community’s work in ending homelessness.

  • Individuals in the not-for-profit homelessness, community housing sectors who lead teams, including operations, projects, policy and research.
  • Individuals in related sectors, including health, justice, corrections, government and academia.
  • Individuals who aspire to improve their organisation’s culture, operations and performance.
  • Individuals who have leadership aspirations.
  • People who believe that vision-led leadership (or vision leadership) is transformative and ending homelessness in Australia is achievable.

Background of the Academy

The Leadership Academy on Ending Homelessness began in 2015.

Founded by Iain De Jong of OrgCode Consulting, the impetus to focus on leadership development as it relates to ending homelessness was inspired by Iain’s travels throughout Canada and the United States.

From his experiences, Iain discovered that the essential ingredient that seemed to distinguish communities making progress in reducing homelessness and those that were not, was often a matter of the strength of leadership, not the technical training and skills of the workforce.

Now, in partnership with the AAEH, the Leadership Academy is expanding its operations to Australia, where 29 communities around the country are currently working to end homelessness through the Advance to Zero methodology.

Exclusive Accommodation for Academy Attendees

Rydges Adelaide are offering 15% off the best available rate, complimentary car parking and a discounted $15 breakfast for Academy attendees. To take advantage of this offer, book your room here.

Learn more about our facilitators and guest speakers here.